Course curriculum

  • 1


    • Welcome and Learning Outcomes

    • Course Overview

  • 2

    Commissioned Content

    • Introduction to Chapter 1

    • Examples of Commissioned Content

    • The Commissioning Process

    • Agreements for Commissioned Content

    • Assignment or Licence?

    • Agreement Terms

    • Top Tips For Commissioning Agreements

    • Consider Creators

    • Who Else Creates Content?

    • Chapter Summary

    • End of Chapter Quiz

  • 3

    Third-Party Content

    • Introduction to Chapter 2

    • Examples of Third-Party Content

    • The Permissions Process

    • Permissions Agreements

    • Best Practice For Permissions Agreements

    • Top Tips For Obtaining Permissions From Third-Parties

    • Do You Always Need Permission?

    • Third-Party Content You Might Overlook

    • Chapter Summary

    • End of Chapter Quiz

  • 4

    Managing Acquired Rights

    • Introduction to Chapter 3

    • The 5Cs of Rights Acquisition

    • Best Practice in Managing Acquired Rights

    • Developing Rights Acquisition Policy

    • Resourcing Rights Acquisition

    • Chapter Summary

    • End of Chapter Quiz