Course curriculum

  • 1


    • Welcome and Learning Outcomes

    • Course Overview

    • Copyright

  • 2

    Rights Management Overview

    • Introduction to Chapter 1

    • Acquisition Agreements

    • The Complexity of Rights Management

    • Good Practice in Rights Management

    • Benefits of Good Rights Management

    • Chapter Summary

    • End of Chapter Quiz

  • 3

    Acquiring Rights

    • Introduction to Chapter 2

    • The Rights Acquisition Process

    • Rights Agreements

    • Key Rights Licence Terms

    • Understand Your Requirements

    • Managing Licence Obligations

    • Chapter Summary

    • End of Chapter Quiz

  • 4

    Licensing Rights

    • Introduction to Chapter 3

    • You Can’t License What You Don’t Have

    • What Kinds of Licensing are Possible?

    • Digital Sales

    • How Rights Are Licensed to Others

    • Keeping Track

    • Chapter Summary

    • End of Chapter Quiz